The list below consists of mainly external events, relevant for EU4OceanObs and involving the participation of the EU action coordinators of the GEO Blue Planet Initiative and/or G7 Future of the Seas & Oceans Initiative.
AfriGEO Symposium 2021
Online EventThe AfriGEO symposium 2021 aims at providing a platform to begin enhance collaboration and integration by bringing together experts from the aforementioned spheres to discuss, unlock and activate the growth of African Industries in Earth Observation. This symposium [...]
GEO Week 2021
Online EventThe GEO Week 2021 will be held from 23 to 26 November in a virtual format and will include the GEO-17 Plenary, anchor and side events, and a virtual exhibition. The major milestone events linked to global policy [...]
Joint meeting of IOCCP Scientific Steering Group & Surface Ocean CO2 Monitoring Network planning team
On 25 November, the Surface Ocean CO2 Monitoring Network planning team will hold a joint meeting with the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP) scientific steering group. The meeting will discuss the way forward with establishing a strategy [...]
Developing cooperation across GEO Activities to address marine hazards in Africa
Online EventAn official side event of GEO Week 2021 Given that approximately 25% of Africa’s population live within 100 km of the coast, marine hazards pose increasing threats at local and regional levels. These include eutrophication, coastal flooding, marine [...]
#MarineData4Africa: Webinar and 2-day workshop
Online EventAfter two successful international events in Asia and America, the #MarineData4Africa event will cater to users of ocean and coastal data working in Africa. Through this event, the European- funded Copernicus Marine Service aims to engage with the [...]
G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan Workshop
The workshop will take place virtually, hosted by the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to discuss: possible cooperative structures for the G7 to use to implement the G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan and contribute [...]
Blue-Cloud Open Science Platform
Online EventSupporting collaborative marine research across the Atlantic and beyond A workshop jointly organised by Blue-Cloud and the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Blue-Cloud deploys a web platform featuring an unprecedented wealth of multidisciplinary data repositories, analytical tools, and computing [...]
Blue-Cloud Hackathon
Online EventThe Blue-Cloud Hackathon is an open invitation to marine scientists & researchers, data scientists, ICT experts, innovators, students, and anyone who is passionate about the Ocean to explore and test Blue-Cloud: A new, Open Science platform for the [...]
International Ocean Data Conference 2022
Sopot, PolandThe Data We Need for the Ocean We Want The conference aims to examine regional and global strategies and policy needed to achieve the digital ecosystem; discuss existing and required technological developments and their implementation; and identify future [...]
Ocean Carbon from Space workshop
Online Event2nd Workshop in the CLEO (Colour and Light in the ocean from Earth Observation) Series The European Space Agency (ESA), with Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and support from NASA, is organising an Ocean Carbon From Space Workshop, to [...]