The list below consists of mainly external events, relevant for EU4OceanObs and involving the participation of the EU action coordinators of the GEO Blue Planet Initiative and/or G7 Future of the Seas & Oceans Initiative.

EMODNET Open Conference and Jamboree

Oostende, Belgium & online , Belgium

During the event, EMODnet partners, data providers and users will connect across stakeholder communities and set goals for the future. To start the week, the Open Conference will focus on use cases and requirements for developing essential open marine data services [...]

UNEP SRI2021: Global Environmental Monitoring Systems/ Oceans

Online Event

Towards an integrated Global Environment Monitoring System for Oceans - Aspiring to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 14: to "Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development" The GEMS/Oceans event is a “kick-off” [...]

4th semi-annual meeting of the OceanPredict Science Team

The G7 FSOI and GEO Blue Planet EU Coordinators, supported by the EU4OceanObs Action, will participate in 4th semi-annual meeting of the OceanPredict Science Team from 16 to 21 June 2021. For more information, click here. OceanPredict ( [...]

Sustaining In Situ Observations for the Digital Ocean

Online Event

The European Marine Board will hold a Science Lunch Webinar entitled 'Sustaining in situ Ocean Observations for the Digital Ocean' on 17 June 2021, from 1pm to 2pm CEST. This webinar will build on the science presented in [...]

GEO Symposium 2021

Online Event

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) annual Symposium will take place virtually from 21 to 24 June. The year's theme is "Strengthening inclusive partnerships across the GEO Work Programme" . The aim of the Symposium is to share [...]

Ocean Decade Laboratory – A Predicted Ocean

Online Event

The Laboratory will investigate the key elements required for the change we need to see targeting a predictable Ocean for our societies over the course of the UN Ocean Decade.

EuroGEO workshop 2021

Online Event

This year's edition focuses on EO-based solutions to support the EU Green Deal, bringing together the EU community contributing to GEO.

Ocean Decade Laboratory – A clean ocean

Online Event

To sustain life and economic activity, the ocean must be clean. Stakeholders will collaborate to identify pollutants and their sources to the ocean by 2025, remove contaminants from the ocean by 2030 and support society’s transition to a [...]