The list below consists of mainly external events, relevant for EU4OceanObs and involving the participation of the EU action coordinators of the GEO Blue Planet Initiative and/or G7 Future of the Seas & Oceans Initiative.

GEO Blue Planet 6th Symposium

Seoul, Korea

The 6th GEO Blue Planet Symposium to be held in Seoul, Korea from 31 October 31 – 2 November 2023 in Seoul, Korea. These GEO Blue Planet symposiums are designed to increase regional linkages, promoting linkages between stakeholders [...]

GEO Week 2023 & Ministerial Summit Cape Town

GEO Week 2023 will take place in Cape Town, South Africa, from 6-10 November 2023. The week will include the GEO-19 Plenary from 8-9 November and the GEO Ministerial Summit on 10 November. Organized by the Group on Earth [...]

EMODnet Open Conference 2023

Brussels, Belgium

The EMODnet Open Conference 2023 is a public, in-person event in Brussels, Belgium. This provides a unique opportunity to gain access to cutting-edge marine data service updates, influential speakers, have your say in EMODnet’s evolution and expand your network, connecting and exchange [...]

Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership Symposium


"Charting the course towards a Sustainable Blue Economy" Symposium The first Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership Symposium taking place on 13-14 February 2024 at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium will bring together thought leaders, experts, and [...]

Ocean Observation and Prediction for Coastal Sustainability in Africa

Nairobi, Kenya

Building on the outcomes of the Coastal Hazards Plenary Session and Coastline Changes workshop held during the GEO Blue Planet 5th Symposium (2022, Accra), this event will focus on identifying the priorities and needs for ocean observations and prediction [...]

7th ICES/PICES Zooplankton Production Symposium

Hobart, Australia

The 7th ICES/PICES Zooplankton Production Symposium will take place in Hobart, Australia from 17-22 March 2024. The Symposium will consist of plenary presentations, parallel sessions and workshops covering a wide range of zooplankton research. This conference will be [...]

Arctic Science Summit Week 2024

The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) is organised annually by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) to provide opportunities for coordination, cooperation and collaboration between the various scientific organisations involved in Arctic research. It was initiated by the IASC in 1999 and [...]

Ocean Decade 2024 Satellite Events

Barcelona, Spain

EU4OceanObs is supporting two satellite events in the framework of the Ocean Decade Conference 2024 in Barcelona. 8 April 2024 | 3:30 - 7:00 pm Connecting the world around Ocean prediction: A vision for the Decade and beyond [...]

Ocean Decade Conference 2024

Barcelona, Spain

The 2024 Ocean Decade Conference focuses on ‘delivering the science we need for the ocean we want’. Hosted by the Government of Spain in Barcelona from 10 - 12 April 2024, the gathering will bring together the global [...]