Digital Ocean Forum 2024

Brussels, Belgium

The 3rd edition of the Digital Ocean Forum will take place from 12 to 13 June 2024 in Brussels. This annual event brings together experts, stakeholders, policymakers and interested citizens in the co-design and co-creation of the European [...]

G7 Science and Technology Ministerial 2024 and related events

Bologna, Italy

9 - 11 July | G7 Science and Technology Ministerial 2024 The Science and Technology Ministers of the Group of Seven, including the European Union, will convene from 9 to 11 July 2024 in Bolognia and Forlì, Italy, [...]

2nd EU-Caribbean Global Gateway Conference on Sargassum

St Georges, Grenada Saint Georges, Grenada

The 2nd EU-Caribbean Global Gateway Conference on Sargassum will take place from 1 to 2 October 2024 in St. Georges, Grenada. This high-level event is organized by the European Union (EU) in partnership with the Organisation of Eastern [...]

EuroGEO Workshop 2024

Krakow, Poland

Coordinate, Combine, Cooperate EuroGEO is the regional coordination mechanism that aims to consolidate and coordinate activities throughout Europe that contribute to GEO (Group on Earth Observations) initiatives. Since EuroGEO’s inception, the European landscape has significantly changed. Firstly, at EU [...]

All-Atlantic Forum 2024

Ottawa, Canada

The 2024 All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA) Forum will bring together representatives from the Atlantic community, including AAORIA Partners (i.e. Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Cabo Verde, the European Union, Iceland, Morocco, Norway, South Africa, the United Kingdom [...]

Marine User Days

Lisbon, Portugal

The EUMETSAT Marine User Days will bring together existing and prospective users from across the diverse marine user community. Focusing on the data provided by the European organisations involved in the Copernicus programme and their role in oceanography [...]

OceanPredict Symposium (OP’24)


The OceanPredict Symposium (OP’24) will take place from 18 - 22 November 2024, with the last day reserved to the OceanPredict Science Team meeting. The overarching theme of OceanPredict ’24 will be “Advancing ocean prediction science for societal [...]