Mid-May saw the launch of the ECO Magazine’s special issue on UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021 – 2030 (Ocean Decade), released in partnership with the IOC-UNESCO. EU4OceanObs is a proud sponsor of this important issue, which highlights on-going initiatives, innovative solutions, and debates across the globe contributing to each of seven societal outcomes of the Ocean Decade (a clean ocean, a healthy and resilient ocean, a productive ocean, a predicted ocean, a safe ocean, an accessible ocean, and an inspiring and engaging ocean).
Part of EU4OceanObs mission is to raise public awareness on the critical role of ocean observations to keep our oceans healthy, monitor climate change, and foster a sustainable blue economy. In this way, EU4OceanObs aims to increase support for and use of ocean science to address societal and environmental challenges, directly feeding into the outcomes of the Ocean Decade.
To access the ECO Magazine Ocean Decade issue, click here.