
Blue-Cloud 2026 to continue enhancing Open Science for ocean protection and restoration

Over the past decades, Europe has developed an impressive capability for aquatic environmental observation, data-handling and sharing, modelling and forecasting, second to none in the world. This builds upon national environmental observation and monitoring networks and programs, complemented [...]

2023-02-21T15:02:41+00:0021 February 2023|Tags: , , |

Call to develop Earth Observation value chain case studies

From satellite and in situ observation, to monitoring and forecasting services, to data access and cloud services, to marine and coastal derived applications and services, the case studies will highlight the European Union’s contribution along the value chain. Apply to develop one or several case studies for the following 4 topics: Marine Litter, Eutrophication, Fisheries Management and Arctic Sea Ice.

2023-01-11T08:27:44+00:0011 January 2023|Tags: , , , , |

Earth observations to address Sargassum inundations and spread

Large influxes of Sargassum on beaches and in coastal areas in the tropical Atlantic Ocean are increasingly harming marine ecosystems, disrupting coastal activities and impacting local communities. The EU4OceanObs case study presents how the Earth observation value chain can help understand the Sargassum basin-wide spread, its impacts and inform mitigation and adaptation strategies.

2022-12-12T08:34:40+00:0012 December 2022|Tags: , , |

Highlights from GEO Blue Planet’s 5th Symposium

Themed Local Action in Support of Global Traction, the 5th Symposium was specifically geared towards improving GEO Blue Planet’s engagement with African nations in an effort to expand the Earth observation community of practice, strengthen local capacity and provide access to resources, tools and services related to the use of ocean and coastal observations for societal benefit.

2022-12-13T10:24:33+00:007 December 2022|Tags: , , , |

Strengthening EU-Canada collaboration on ocean observation and protection

The first Ocean Partnership Forum between Canada and the European Union was from 3 to 4 October 2022. Bringing together high-level representatives and managers of ocean observing and data organisations, the meeting served to strengthen cooperation on areas of mutual interest and benefit on the theme of ocean observation and data sharing.

2022-12-09T12:27:26+00:006 October 2022|Tags: , |

Arctic PASSION: improving Arctic monitoring, integrating local knowledge for stronger preservation efforts

Intensifying the monitoring of the Arctic region and prediction of its future state is more than ever needed to inform mitigation and adaption actions and rapidly increase conservation efforts. Find out about the European project - Arctic PASSION and its contribution.

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