Published On: 16 January 2024Categories: News

An expert workshop on improving biogenic products to advance modelling of ocean carbon sequestration in the Arctic was held from 13-14 December 2023 in Sopot, Poland. Hosted by the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences, this meeting is part of a joint activity led by the EU-funded projects EU4OceanObs and ECOTIP to improve biogenic data products to advance ocean carbon sequestration modelling in the Arctic. This will deepen understanding and prediction of the Arctic Ocean’s oceanic carbon sequestration in a changing climate, which in turn will enable better prediction of ecosystem impacts and support action to protect this vulnerable ecosystem.

The workshop brought together 13 experts to work collectively on a community-perspective article identifying biogenic data products to advance ocean carbon sequestration modelling in the Arctic. This meeting marks the third phase of the activity, following the results of a community online survey and online workshop held in October 2023. The 13 experts are the lead authors of the group action to finalise and submit the article in the first quarter of 2024.

This topic is a cross-cutting activity in the EU4OceanObs G7 FSOI component, which works to augment the capacity of marine life monitoring and forecasting, improve monitoring and understanding and prediction of global ocean carbon cycle and enhance Arctic Ocean observing and monitoring. ECOTIP – Ecological tipping cascades in the Arctic Seas is a flagship Horizon 2020 research project focusing on understanding and predicting changes in Arctic marine biodiversity and implications for two vitally important marine ecosystem services: fisheries production, which is the economic lifeblood of many Arctic communities, and carbon sequestration, which has important feedbacks to the global climate.

For more information, please contact Maria Grigoratou (mgrigoratou[at]mercator-ocean[dot]fr) and Artur Palacz (palacz[at]iopan[dot]pl).

Meeting attendees: Veli Çağlar Yumruktepe (NERSC, Norway), Katarzyna Koziorowska-Makuch (IOPAN), Mattia Greco (CSIC, Spain), Ingrid Wiedmann (UiT, Norway), Aleksandra Cherkasheva (IOPAN), Maria Grigoratou (Mercator Ocean International, France), Artur Palacz (IOPAN, Poland), Marja Koski (DTU Aqua, Denmark), Chris Lindemann (UiB, Norway), Monika Kędra (IOPAN, Poland), Nathan Briggs (NOC, UK), Andy Visser (DTU Aqua, Denmark), Stefano Ciavatta (Mercator Ocean International, France). Photo: Dominik Krzymiński (IOPAN, Poland)